Month: January 2024


I hate heights. Always have and probably will for the rest of my life. I don’t know why. It is just some phobia I have. I can climb a ladder and roam around on a single-story roof, but anything higher than that I begin to get nervous and the higher it goes the more nervous I get even to the state of panic. Oh, I can fly in a passenger jet or go in high skyscraper buildings. I have been to the top of the pre-9-11 World Trade Center and the Empire State Building and felt a little uncomfortable but no more. It is just that vision of being on the edge and viewing the ground way down there with no fence or railing to stop me. However, I could not even go up the Space Needle in Seattle. I stayed on the ground.

When I was young, I had dreams of falling off a high spot or being pushed. I always woke up before I ever hit the ground. Someone said to me when I was young that if I ever hit the ground in my dreams I would have died. I don’t know if that is a fact or not. I wonder if that is a reason. Maybe in a previous life I fell off or was pushed. I am afraid of heights even today. The only consolation I have is that many people have the same fear of heights I have.

I would never make a paratrooper. Who would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

Complaints, Complaints, Complaints

What is happening to this world? Across the world you see unrest with massive demonstrations, violence, armed conflicts with many deaths. Russia and Ukraine are in a war. Gaza and Israel conflict goes on. China is threatening Taiwan. Three US soldiers are killed in Jordan. Farmers in Scandinavia and Paris are having massive demonstrations.

On a local level. The actual number is not actually known, but millions of people have come across the border. This is putting a tremendous burden on the health system and social services. In large cities crime is rising. You see videos of smash and grabs where large swarms of people just go in and grab anything they want. Homeless camps are springing up everywhere. Fentanyl deaths in the past years are scary.

Inflation is alive and well. For example, I recently purchased a large package of toilet paper, and the cost was twenty-two dollars. Six months ago, the cost was eighteen dollars. That is an over twenty percent increase. My property taxes just increased nine-hundred dollars. These increases are pinching my fixed income.

In politics all you see and hear is anger and hate. There is no longer a civil discussion on the issues. All they do is attack their opponent. Truthfulness is dead. Anything is said to fit their agenda. There is no accountability for out and out lies. Many government entities have been weaponized, and they use their authority to push the agenda. Equal justice under the law is currently missing.

So, what is a mere mortal like you and me do? Complain, complain, and complain some more. Another very important thing to do is, learn more about the agenda these politicians are pushing on us. Finally, vote in November.

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you complain about the most?

The lottery and me.

First of all, to win the lottery, you have to play the lottery. I don’t play the lottery. I can’t remember the last time I threw away money to buy a lottery ticket. I have many friends and relatives that faithfully purchase lottery tickets every week. Has anyone won? Not that I know of. When the lottery first started, I played the scam. I think the most numbers I ever got was two. This convinced me that the chances are slim next to none.

Therefore, theoretically if I ever won millions I would disappear and change my life totally. First, I would acquire legal advice and a financial advisor. I have heard that these multimillionaires suddenly have relatives come out of the woodwork and friends that you haven’t heard or seen from for years. I want people to be around me for who I am, not what I have. Charities and good causes would get a portion of my good fortune. The largest concern I have will I be any happier or complete than what I am now.

My life has been full and rewarding. I am in my seasoned years and have had more good things and people than bad events. No, I am not rich. I am just a mere mortal that is living comfortable, happy, and that would be hard to replace. It would be a tough job for those millions to replace what I have now. Therefore, I do not intend to start playing the lottery anytime soon.

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?


I have been retired over sixteen years and all my time is leisure time. After sixty years of working earning a living, raising and providing for a family I am entitled to leisure time. Since I retired every day is Saturday! I wake up and think what will today bring just like I did when working but just one day of the week then. Now it is every day.

With that I have enjoyed doing many different things at different times. Before I retired, I had passion for model trains and this passion went through its course. Since I have retired and moved into our new home the workshop, I have in my basement. I spent a lot of time. However, that interest has decreased lately. Of course, I am aging like everyone else, and this is affecting what I can do and not do.

Lately I have been spending a lot of time writing and reminiscing about things that happened to me. I have become active in WordPress again. I had this account since 2010 but became active in it since August of last year. I have dabbled in podcasts and videos. Maybe someday I can say they are pretty good.

In conclusion, it will be close to a year since I experienced a life-threatening blood clot. I was standing in front of Death’s door and Doctor Death was holding the door open. I surprised everyone and beat the odds. What I enjoy the most since that event is living!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?

Something I missed.

I was born and raised in Denver Colorado. Except for a couple of years in the army I have lived in Denver Metro area for over seventy-five years. During school years they would have field trips to this attraction. The attraction has close to 500,000 visitors a year. It was established in 1862. There are only five in the entire nation. For a period of time, I worked at a place that was only a block away. I don’t know how times I have driven by it and thought, “I need to go there.” Have you figured it out? answer below

Bloganuary writing prompt
Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting.

The answer is: The Denver United States Mint

Life is Fun

I have been retired for seventeen years. Since 2006 I haven’t worked any job. Pensions, Social Security and savings have provided my wife and I with everything we need. Most of the things I do is for fun or enjoyment. Life has been good. There have been medical issues but all in all life has been good to us. Here are the first five things that I thought of to have fun.

  1. the most interesting thing at the present time is writing. I enjoy writing and reminiscing about events in my life. That is the purpose of writing on Word Press. I do not expect to ever receive any kind of financial compensation for my writing time. I just enjoy it. I am glad I discovered the daily blog prompt. This is ideal for my random ramblings.
  2. I enjoy eating out at restaurants. it gives us a reason to get out of the house for a while and interact with people. Humans are social creatures and social contact is necessary for healthy living. I had a job where I would have contact with people that spent a lot of time alone. You could tell they were lacking social contact in their life, and they were craving for this necessity. They would try to keep me there as long as possible just to have contact with another human being.
  3. Puzzle books are fun for me. I enjoy crossword puzzles and sudoku. I am not a big fan of word search. However, my wife enjoys word search puzzles though. One must keep their mind active and working.
  4. I have a workshop in my basement. I enjoy repairing items around the house and building small items. For a while I was into bird houses. I found out though that there is just not much demand for bird houses, and I was floating in bird houses.
  5. I like to grow stuff. All my life I have had a garden where I lived except the short time I lived in an apartment. Flowers, vines. and vegetables are on my list of plants. We sure enjoy fresh tomatoes during the summertime. Unfortunately, our home has growing space, but it is too shady, and I haven’t had much success here.

These are the first five things that came to mind. I have many more things I do for fun.  

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

I don’t Have a Pet

It has been many years since we had a pet. But we do have many fond memories of Missy. She was a peekapoo and we got her when she was just a puppy. Never weighed over five pounds. The only time she got mad at us was when we took her to get spayed. If looks could kill, we would be dead. But she forgave us and was a loving, friendly, and loyal companion for over thirteen years.

when Missy was a puppy, she jumped off the couch once and broke he front leg. Taking her to the vet and watching her walk around with her little cast created a bond and love that cannot be explained. When we had pork chops, Missy got the bone. She knew and just sat there waiting for her bone. What a fond memory. After many years of love and enjoyment she began to show her age. One morning I let her outside to do her business. I always went out to keep an eye on her since we had an open yard. She finished and was walking around just sniffing stuff and she looked up at me and fell over dead.

Missy will always be remembered. Throughout my life I had many pets, Ginger, Jughead, Boots, and many more. Missy was the best!

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?

I was named after?

Many babies are named after the father, relative or a friend. The trend these days appears to be named with names one is not accustomed too. Such as Ace, April, Fable, Huxely, and many others.

I was born four months after Pearl Harbor, in the middle of World War II. I asked my parents who I was named after since my older brother was named after my dad. Here is the tale they told me. They said that they couldn’t think of a good name. At that time the local newspaper listed the young men recently drafted into the military to fight in the war. They said that they went to this list and found a name of Thomas Lee and that is how I was named. If this is true or not, I will never know. Just like you will never know if I just made this up or not.

Bloganuary writing prompt
Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc.

No Dream Job for Me

I am beyond a dream job. I have been retired for over seventeen years. Now I dream of staying healthy and hoping my financial situation out lasts me.

A long time ago I had a dream job in mind. When I entered junior high school, now they call middle school, I was put in what they called an accelerated class. This was composed of kids that was in the top ranking of the proficiency tests they gave us. At that time, I loved science class, especially chemistry. My friend and I stayed after school and helped the science teacher around the lab and classroom. My dream job then was chemistry or engineering. Towards the end of ninth grade, they gave us a standardized test that was supposed to inform us what kind of career to pursue. The results came back, and chemistry or engineering was not on my list of careers. This shattered me, my dream was destroyed! I continued to high school, and I barely graduated from high school.

For the next forty-five years I had a job. Some jobs were good high paying jobs and others were just to survive jobs. 1987 to 1991 were the most difficult financial times. I was laid off from my high paying job and unemployment was at seven and a half percent. It took over four years to find a good job. None of the jobs were my dream job. However, I am retired and satisfied with my current situation.

I do have a new dream though, that is to have many subscribers and followers that read and enjoy my ramblings.

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s your dream job?

A Good Leader

Many follow, a small percentage can lead. A leader must have and show confidence in themselves and their decisions. Good leaders consult their associates for their input and suggestions before making a decision if available. One must delegate to associates. Do not attempt to do everything. Analyze your successes and failures to make more successes and fewer mistakes. Finally, share your success, do not hog it all.

Bloganuary writing prompt
What makes a good leader?